Dino Alliance

Server name: DINO ALLIANCE
GT: Gillyy1983
PVE 24hr

We are looking to create a friendly mature community on this server.


XP x3
Harvesting x4
Taming x8
EGG Hatch Speed x10
Maturation x10
Night time shorter
Slowed hunger & thirst

Welcome Area located @ spawn point in South Zone 1
Public smithys, forges, cooking pots, campfires.

Mature friendly admin, no admin abuse, will only be used when necessary.

We have limited slots available, will upgrade once these slots have been taken.
Server is password protected to control numbers. Rules & info can be found on our website please read before requesting to join.

Website: https://dinoalliance.wordpress.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/137623493557000/

Hope to see you soon :)
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