"Xp-7" "taming-10" harvest-7" TheCenterSurvi

My name is Winston, my xbox gamer tag is STONEDxThExBONe. the server is new and just starting up and there will be more slots open as the community grows.

Welcome to all players! the server will be open 24/7 with a basic starter pack to help all players that join to start out instead of the long start time to grind to get the basics of the game. The lobby is not going to be boosted in the first one which is TheCenterSurvival. The reason is that this server will be to win prizes!! Prizes through out the week will to win Tek armor to alph dinos and the weekend events will be to win xbox prizes. The prizes will be from Xbox one console to controllers.

The area will be PVP so you will have to fight people but during events there will be peace. Also there will be a community area to trade, and a smelting area that will be peaceful area where the communty can use.

Send my gamer tag a message to get join the server. Good luck and hope to see you there survivers!!

Go to unofficial PC server, type in TheCenterSurvival! Hope to see you there
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