Delta's House-Gen1 Bum 50x Mat/Hatch/Custom Drops

Welcome to Delta’s House, this is our PVE servers. We currently have 5 PVE server are going to add more til we get them up to a full cluster. We also have have 6 PVP servers as well that we are working on getting to a full cluster. These are our Current PVE Maps: The Center, Extinction, Crystal Isles, Gen 2, and one floating map that we change so that you can get your Ascensions and special dinos. We are a friendly server with active admins and a discord. Here is our Discord vanity URL is Here are our settings for the PVE and the PVP servers.

Maturation 50
Incubation 50
Harvest 3
Taming 6
Imprint Time 12 min
Tribe Size 7
XP 2
Max Dino Level 300
Max Player Level 105

Global Player&Dino Stats
Player Health 3
Player Stam 10
Player Oxygen 10
Player Food 5
Player Water 5
Player Weight 50
Player Melee 2
Player Speed 4
Player Fort 10
Player Craft 3.25

Dino Health 0.5
Dino Stam 7
Diono Food 200
Dino Weight 75
Dino Melee 1.2
PVE Starter Tame
Max Level PT with Master Craft Saddle

Maturation 75
Incubation 100
Harvest 10
Taming 15
Imprint Time 12 min
Tribe Size 7
XP 8
Max Dino Level 300
Max Player Level 105
Turrent Limit 300
Turrent Dam 1.5
Crop Growth 10
Grace 2 week

Global Player&Dino Stats
Player Health 2.5
Player Stam 7
Player Oxygen 20
Player Food 5
Player Water 5
Player Weight 5000
Player Melee 3
Player Speed 10
Player Fort 50
Player Craft 3.25

Dino Health 0.5
Dino Stam 9
Diono Food 200
Dino Weight 5000
Dino Melee 1.5
PVP Starter Tame Choices:
Max Level Griffin or
one of these Max Level Neutered Wyverns: Fire, Lighting, Poision, Crystal Blood, Crystal Ember, or Crystal Tropical (must chose one wyvern)
Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
No votes this month yet

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