The Center 24/7 PVP: 2.5xG, 3.0xT, 4.0xXP. 92mbps upload speed

This server is designed to be pretty similar to official server PVP with a few boosted rates. Taming is 3x, gather is 2.5x, and XP is at 4.0x. We have altered some speed stats for dinos to improve how slow birds are nowadays. We also have boosted crop growth quite a bit as well as lengthen day time and shorten night time. We don't have many rules for this server other than no cave building. If you are tired of getting raided than we ask that you join a PVE server. There are two admins in this server, both of which will be playing. The gamtertag of the dedicated xbox for this server is TinsellyBirch43, and we ask that any messages (praise or complaints) be sent to this account. We will do our best to check it regularly and are open to suggestions to make the server better in the future. Hope to see some of you join!
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