Arko Dedicated 247

Arko Dedicated
Server Name: Arko Dedicated 247

Host Name: Arko Dedicated

~Server Rules~

No spawn camping "building turrets in spawn areas included".

No Harassment "racism, sexism, sexual harassment".

~Server Description/Settings~

Exp multiplier x11

Taming x10

Harvesting x8

Survivor water/food - lowered to avoid frustration

Survivor stamina drain slightly lowered

Dino stamina drain slightly lowered

No Diseases

Egg Hatch speed x15

Baby Mature Speed x80

Crop Growth Speed x8

Survivor Weight x30

Dino Weight Infinity!

Dino Stamina Slightly Increased

Loot Quality x3 "Fishing & Supply"

Note: Server could crash, so be patient and will be fixed as soon as possible!!!!!

Survive if you dare
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