Arktaculus 10x/5x/15x 5Man Cluster Crossplay Custom Drops

Most Updated Rules and Server Info will be on our Discord Server
[Server Info]

10x Exp - 5x Harvest - 15x Taming - 10x Item Stack

Maps: Valguero, Ragnarok, The Center, Extinction, Island, Aberration, Crystal Isles

Starter Kits

Custom Beacon Drops

Custom Boss Drops

Custom Beaver Dams

Custom Semi-Easy Craft

Titanosaur Disabled

9 man Cluster - No Alliance

Max Player lvl 300

Max Wild Dino lvl 150

All Tek Engrams auto unlock at lvl 130

Bloodstalkers and Reapers spawn on Valguero
Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
No votes this month yet