The Hilltop Ark Server

Harvest 5x
Experience 5x
Taming 12x
Hatch 20x
Maturation 15x

weight 5x
Fortitude 3x

Slightly boosted stamina and weight to help counter flier nerf

Public events:
Dodo fights
Gladiator(1v1, tribe v tribe, player v dino, tribe v dinos)
Snail races
Players v Raid bases

The server is fresh, just started 4/28/17

PvP is encouraged
Offline raid and passive kills are frowned upon
1 black pearl per 1% imprint

Only 2 admins, so no abuse and these two admins will take care of dino wipes, events, and glitch help
Admin tribe is: The Hilltop
We do not exclude ourselves from raid, just be aware we are playing legit just like you, so anything we have will have been farmed

You can find us on Facebook, just search The Hilltop Ark Server
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