AusARK Server 1

ausark server 1
AusARK Server where the gaming never ends... unless a dropout occurs.
The server is a PvP and 1.0 x DF (Difficulty) and the following stat multipliers:
Downloads - No Survivor Downloads, No Dino Downloads, No Item Downloads
General - 15 x XP (Experience), 10 x HA (Harvesting), 85 x TA (Taming).
Breeding - 10 x BR (Breeding), 100 x GE (Gestation), 200 x MA (Maturation).
Crops - 2 x CG (Crop Growth), 0.7 x CD (Crop Decay).

Please read the AusARK Server rules @ and familiarise yourself with them.

Regards, AusARK Admins
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