
Hey all! We currently run a 32 slot main ragnarok server with a clustered 10-slot Aberration map. We are Nitrado hosted, with boosted but not overkill settings such as,but not limited to-

Weight (Char and dino) x5
EXP x3
Taming x15
Resource respawn time 1/5
Egg hatch x60
Mating x100
Baby growth x60
Crosshairs on
Friendly fire on
Player map location on
Offline Damage on
 At the moment (7/5/18) we have a steady 6-8 players across two tribes, once heavier populated we plan on increasing the max player count(slots)  to 64 on the main and 32 on the clustered aberration. Also to mention this is a Lite RP server with lore and rules, which can be found at the site listed below.

If you're new to the game or just not one of those amazing people that build cities from nothing on their lonesome, the community of admins and players are always eager to help out!

Thanks for stopping in, check out the server, site and discord see you soon!

Server Name

[US] dxragnarok.enjin.com

Enjin Site




Posted by owner and admin - Drayer - 
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