Gods of Ark

IV h a d e s VV
Welcome to Gods of Ark!

Join by searching: Gods of Ark

Our server is a new start-up server with the idea of boosted but not insanely boosted.

Map: The Center
x87 Harvesting.
x9999999 Taming. (Instant Tame)
x5000 Experience. (Instant Max Level)
Auto-Unlock All Engrams
Auto Max Player Level
DLC Dino Spawns
Auto Wild Dino Wipes at Midnight (CDT)

Health Per Level=x3
Stamina Per Level=x5
Oxygen Per Level=x1000 (Infinite Oxygen)
Weight Per Level=x10000 (Infinite Carry Weight)
Speed Per Level=x2

Please join our Discord for more information @ https://discord.gg/6sEXsZ6

Hope to see you, survivors, soon!
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