The Island ( x10 XP) (x10 Taming) (x8 gathering)

XP x10
Taming x10
Gathering x10

Players gain 100 stamina per upgrade and 400 weight pert upgrade. Other stats are boosted as well.

*admins are not aloud to abuse their power in any way*

Tribes are not aloud to completely wipe other people's base(RAIDING IS OKAY)

No blocking off caves(you can build in them as long as people can get the artifact and get out without any problems)

No defending or building bases in volcanos

This server is almost brand new and we need more players to join.

The admins will also have a store that players can buy items off of.

I am not the owner. The dedicated account is: superloki222593 and his other account that he plays on is: killerkerby96

My gt is Nickky P

Events are not currently in progress but they could be a possibility in the future if that's what players want.
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