
The Ark Spark

~List of Modifiers~ *These are subject to change and we do accept suggestions from the community (see below)*
Map: The Island
Online: 24/7
XP: 3X
Taming: 25x (just short of instant tame)
Harvesting: 2x (7 stone pickup)
Maturing: 6x
Imprinting: 1.5x
Hatching: 6x
Player Location Enabled
Friendly Fire Disabled
Crosshairs Enabled
Hit Markers Enabled
Damage Indicators Enabled
Character Downloads Disabled
Offline Raid Protection Enabled
Reduced Spoil Time
Extra Stats Per Level (for your dinosaurs)
Not Primitive+ Mode
Not Hardcore Mode
Not Extinction Mode
Night time is virtually non-existent (cause Troodons suck)


Server Admins: Queffe, Captain Verinon
Message one of the server admins to request an invite. Once we message you back with the gamertag of the server (we usually reply pretty quickly), add the server to your friends list, then join the game in order to get onto the server. After you log off, just rejoin the server's game to get back in again.
Starter packages will be given out to new tribes that have just joined the server. There are also hidden caches of weapons/armor/materials/other goodies all throughout the map, so get to searching! There’s a community metal forge on top of the metal mountain, so head there if you wanna build up a metal base quicker. And, every once and awhile, there will be a fight in The Dino Dome. The type of fight (dino VS dino, player VS player, etc) and the rewards (items, resources, dinosaurs, etc) will be announced ahead of time via our Discord channel. You’ll receive an invite to our Discord channel once you join the server. If you make a Discord profile now, this will go a lot quicker. We will be using Discord as our main hub of communications, so stay tuned there for any and all updates/discussions!
The following are the rules for this server. Failure to comply with these rules will result in being permanently banned by the admins. You get ZERO warnings. These rules are in place to ensure a fun and cohesive PVP experience for everyone involved (including the admins -- we like to play, too). If you don't like these rules, there are plenty of other servers to choose from. If you know another player or tribe has violated one or all of these rules, take a screenshot (of the violation itself and/or your tribe log), send it to us (and let us know in global chat/Xbox Live party chat/Discord) and we will judge accordingly. If you get banned for breaking any of these rules and you feel it was unjust, I suggest screaming into a pillow. Always does wonders for me! Our rules are actually quite simple: Don't be a dick. Specifically...

No imprisonment of ANY player for ANY reason, for ANY amount of time. We don't care what you think your justification is, or how long the imprisonment was. Don't do it. You WILL get banned immediately. Don’t even bother unlocking the handcuff engram. The cage should only be used to store dung beetles. If you can’t find it within yourself to destroy a few beds when raiding, then you need to rethink your strategy. Mazes and traps are okay, but only if you kill the offending players soon afterward. Don't drag it out.
Raiding is okay, even encouraged (this is PVP, after all). What this means is: kill any players that challenge you, destroy any turrets and kill any neutral dinosaurs if you have to, blow a hole in the enemy's base, steal whatever you want, then leave. Basically, don't be a dick about it. Or, if you just wanna be a straight up murderer while out in the wild, minus the whole raiding part, that's fine too (within reason).
Tranquilizing other players is okay, as long as you only use it as an opportunity to steal their stuff while they're knocked out. Once you're done stealing, let the players wake up or kill them. And for God's sake, be quick about it. No one likes being stuck on a black screen while the attackers take their sweet, damn time.
Killing tamed passive dinosaurs is okay because the taming speed is so high.
Do not wipe any player's base. This means: do not destroy a large majority, or the entirety, of any player's base for any reason. Like we said earlier: blow a hole in the base, get in, steal stuff, get out. Simple. If you find that you have to destroy a large majority of someone’s base just to get to the good stuff, you’re not raiding correctly.
Do not continually raid the same tribe over and over again without letting them build back up. What this means: if you raid someone, give them a couple days (or as long as it takes them) to build back up before raiding them again. If you see that someone ELSE has just raided your target tribe, leave that poor tribe alone for a while. If you just killed a particular player while out in the wild, leave them alone for a while before doing it again. We don’t want fellow players feeling persistently targeted.
Do not raid a tribe that has just started out. What this means: once they have a metal base or some auto turrets, they are fair game. If you have just made your base into metal (even just partially), we suggest you get some defenses going (extra walls, turrets, Species X, dinosaurs, etc.)
Do not continually bitch over and over again about how you got raided one time (unless your bitching is accompanied by cash sent to the admins via paypal). As long as the attackers followed these rules, you have nothing to complain about. Raiding is a part of the game and it is a large part of this server. Get better at defending/attacking. Even one person tribes are capable of that.
Raiding the admins is okay. Likewise, it is okay for the admins to raid you. Don't worry, we adhere to the same rules as you. We don't use cheats unless it is absolutely necessary (like for care packages/rewards, dino wipes, or if we need to roll back the damage someone did before they got banned for breaking some of these rules).
Do not build anything on or around major resource spawns (beaver dams, metal, crystal, obsidian, etc.)
Do not build anything in glitch spots or caves (yes, we will check).
Do not build anything to prevent someone else from building there. This means: don’t build a bunch of pillars or foundations somewhere just because you might build there later, or because you want to prevent someone from doing the same. Either build a whole base there or GTFO.
Do not commit any PVP/destroy anything/build anything at The Dino Dome (coordinates forthcoming). It exists solely as a trading hub and arena.

So those are the rules. Everything else is fair game. As long as you adhere to the rules, you don’t have to worry about getting banned. We may add more rules later on if people work out some new ways to be dicks.

Anyway, have fun and we’ll see you on the battlefield!
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